Claw Talisman Elden Ring Talisman

Elden RingClaw Talisman image



Claw Talisman

Claw Talisman Weight

Affinity : 0.7

Claw Talisman Effects

Affinity : Enhances jump attacks (15%)

Claw Talisman is a Talisman in Elden Ring.

Despite the name, Claw Talisman is used widely in many Elden Ring Builds that have a focus on jumping attacks.

Claw Talisman Effects – Enhances jump attacks.

A talisman depicting a claw and an assassin.Enhances jump attacks.The assassins of Ravenmount are killers by trade. They assail their victims while dressed as birds of prey.

How to get Claw Talisman in Elden Ring

Located at Stormveil Castle, looted off a corpse situated on a watchtower. 

Claw Talisman Guide

Claw Talisman in Elden Ring is used in builds that focus on speed, agility, and on weapons that have good Jumping attacks. 

Elden Ring Builds

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