Elden Ring Armor – Royal Remains Set

Elden RingRoyal Remains Set image

Royal Remains Set

Defense & Resistance
Phy: 25
VS: 1
Strike: 24
Slash: 28
Pierce: 25
Magic: 8
Fire: 20
Ligt: 6
Holy: 22
Immunity: 84
Robustness: 135
Focus: 57
Vitality: 27
Poise: 32

Royal Remains Set is an Armor Set in Elden Ring.
Armor Set often provided bonus to skills and other effects. Weight of the full set is 25.3 Weight

Royal Remains Set Bonus

Worn by the unspeaking adherent of Sir Gideon the All-Knowing

Slowly replenishes HP when HP is reduced. Which is 2 HP per second (per piece, for a total of 8) while under 18% HP

It is said that the bones belong to an ancient lord – the soulless king. The Lord of the lost and desperate, who was known as Ensha.

All Royal Remains Set pieces in Elden Ring

Elden RingRoyal Remains Helm image

Royal Remains Helm

Defense & Resistance

Phy: 4
VS: 6
Strike: 4
Slash: 4
Pierce: 4
Magic: 2
Fire: 3
Ligt: 4
Holy: 3


Immunity: 15
Robustness: 24
Focus: 10
Vitality: 5
Poise: 5

Elden RingRoyal Remains Armor image

Royal Remains Armor

Defense & Resistance

Phy: 11
VS: 9
Strike: 11
Slash: 12
Pierce: 11
Magic: 9
Fire: 9
Ligt: 5
Holy: 10


Immunity: 35
Robustness: 57
Focus: 24
Vitality: 11
Poise: 15

Elden RingRoyal Remains Gauntlets image

Royal Remains Gauntlets

Defense & Resistance

Phy: 2
VS: 2
Strike: 2
Slash: 3
Pierce: 2
Magic: 9
Fire: 2
Ligt: 3
Holy: 2


Immunity: 12
Robustness: 19
Focus: 8
Vitality: 4
Poise: 3

Elden RingRoyal Remains Greaves image

Royal Remains Greaves

Defense & Resistance

Phy: 6
VS: 4
Strike: 6
Slash: 7
Pierce: 6
Magic: 8
Fire: 5
Ligt: 4
Holy: 5


Immunity: 22
Robustness: 35
Focus: 15
Vitality: 7
Poise: 9

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